Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lacing up...

An often overlooked, but critical detail to address before any major hike is the lacing of your boots.  Too tight and you may constrict your toes or pressure the top of your foot.  Too loose, and your heel blisters or toes jam.  

So how to properly lace?  

Well, I suppose in our electronic age, Google would provide the answer, but in my early years in the field I was left with the simple tools of trial and error.  After one particularly uncomfortable day years ago, I looked down at my well worn Vasque's and wondered if there was a better way to lace-up than the one I learned in my most formative years.  After some experimenting, I found improvements.  After Google, I found many more...

And much the same way begins Boot Tracks Outdoors.  

One lace at a time.

Boot Tracks Outdoors is a simple idea.  It is a way to share our outdoor experiences through stories, discussion, photos and video.  We'll periodically review gear and perhaps provide some "how-to's" based on our own trials and errors.  Whatever the topic, we promise an honest representation.  

And we hope to improve along the way.  We look forward to your feedback on what worked, what didn't.  What you enjoyed and what you didn't.  Like our outdoor adventures, we view Boot Tracks Outdoors itself as a journey.  

In some ways this feels a bit like the first step of hike to an unknown desitination, but we're earlier than that even.  We're really just lacing up...

Hope you enjoy the hike!


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